
Far cry 5 map editor error snowshoe
Far cry 5 map editor error snowshoe

Though Hope County is fictitious, it smacked of MT. Having actually lived in Montana, I was impressed. FC Primal avoided this by having a made up language and subtitles.ģ.) Fantastic map/location. You always run that risk of just being annoying. Unless you're playing a Duke Nukem game, I dont much care for player dialogue in an FPS. While Dani's dialogue was ok, the Doomguy, strong, silent type protagonist is far better, and more immersive. Complete customization should be in damn near every game, (unless it's spider-man or something where you just do costumes and weapons) from here on out. I didn't dislike a single performance.Ģ.) Rook is the way to go from here on out. And all of the actors, both good and evil were top notch.

far cry 5 map editor error snowshoe

Jacob was the scariest though, with the brainwashing bits. He was so well preformed, I always do his region first. John, I genuinely hated, mostly because he was a revolting sadist. I had genuine pity for Faith at the end, because I knew she was just a tool for Joseph, to be used and discarded. The males of the Seed family scared the out of me. I think the story in 3 and 4 are excellent, most times (though your character in 3 is insufferable), 5's was just so well written, it was terrifying. Solid title, but it is lacking in some very key things.ġ.) The best overall story in an FC game. Just let me reset the bases like 5 and New Dawn whenever I want, as much as I want. Now why the hell can't I gather a couple guerrillas and take them with me, hmm? After 5 and New Dawn did it so well, that should've been a thing. Not sure what's up with those, but I expect submitted this to support, because it needs to be remedied.ĥ.) No guns-for-hire. Some weapons never worked at all (hello EVERY sniper rifle) and some barely worked (hello, revolvers). Not the worst thing ever, but annoying.Ĥ.) Crappy or nonfunctional weapons. The Legends and college kids were ok, but just ok.ģ.) No perks system for leveling up. I'd gladly send them on suicide missions until they didn't come back. I'd rather listen to Kit Harrington give a lecture on acting! At least that'd be funny! I'd rather listen to one of my ex's tell me every one of my flaws! I'd rather sit through an entire Jar Jar Binks origin film! Were I running an actual revolution, these jackasses would be nowhere near being vocal/visible leaders. I'd rather have the actor that played Hurk sing show tunes of shows I hate in on a loop than listen to these turds one more time. The character design, the dialogue, their music, all of it was atrocius. Holy crap, Juan is annoying! Doesn't that guy ever STFU?!? Can't I hear more from Clara? And now that I've finished the game, I can say, unequivocally that the entirety of the Maximas Matanzas story line was awful. It was fairly straight forward, which most times isn't a bad thing, but 1 twist would've been neat.Ģ.) The poor side characters got way too much screen time. Most of them were good.ġ.) Overall story was kind of dull. Almost never a dull moment with treasure hunts, chests, side quests, etc. Didn't care for the others.ġ1.) Lots to do. The mortar launcher, emp, healer pack and Oula pack were good. The rest I either never used or they didn't function properly, so I couldn't use them. The harpoon launcher, the shotgun pistol/shield combo, chain gun, nail gun. And the Monteros were all very good.ġ0.) Half of the Resolver weapons/Supremos. I haven't unlocked the chicken yet, but the others are all fun to have around.ĩ.) Certain side characters. I do have to say that the hat should've included long, Jack Sparrow-esque hair with it, but still my go-to outfit.Ĩ.) Amigos. That's just hilarious and the perks are excellent. Not as good the Seed family though.Ħ.) Weapon customization. The other bosses I found to be semi-cookie-cutter, but serviceable nonetheless. Giancarlo Esposito certainly elevated the game. And at last, these lovelies come along and I ALMOST couldn't be happier (see my post "who programmed the horses?).

far cry 5 map editor error snowshoe


Since FC Primal (which is the best in the series btw) having mounts, I thought it would be the norm going forward to have at least one animal to ride, but no. Maybe it's my age, but when I can hear the Indy theme in my head during a treasure hunt, it's a good thing.ģ.) Rideable horses. The adventurer in me begs to explore ancient caverns and pirate coves, discovering treasures and escaping booby traps (need more of that, btw. Love it.Ģ.) Tropical exotic locations allow for more interesting side quests.

far cry 5 map editor error snowshoe

It's always better when devs have flexibility to make a new world to play in. But I popped FC 5 in a fee days ago, after finishing 6 and I believe 5 is better overall.ġ.) Very large and interesting map. There is a lot to enjoy here, and I thoroughly did. For starters, let me state that FC 6 is NOT a bad game.

Far cry 5 map editor error snowshoe